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Tritium Workshop 2

Date: 3rd August 2018
Time: 10.30 - 2pm
Venue: NUS Chemistry Executive Classroom

Event summary

The main purpose of this historic event is to allow members of the 2 chemistry departments to get to know each other better and have lunch together.
While senior academics of both departments know each other well, there are many new members in both departments whom we are less familiar.
It is inevitable that the only 2 chemistry departments in SG compete in some areas, it does not mean that they cannot work together. For example, promoting chemistry to students and communicating chemistry to the public are two areas that both departments can take joint ownership.
For this workshop, we had several senior leading academics discussions on the future of their respective research areas.
List of Speakers

1) Professor Yao Shao Qin, NUS

2) Professor Ling Xing Yi, NTU

3) Professor Jason Yeo Boon Siang, NUS

4) Professor Loh Zhi Heng, NTU

5) Professor Lu Jiong, NUS

6) Professor Atsushi Goto, NTU